Couples & Pre-Marital Counseling
Couples Counseling
Every year it is advised you go to your doctor for an annual check-up. The same for an eye check with the optimist. The dentist wants to see you twice a year. Why are we so conditioned to follow up routinely with appointments that have to do with our physical health, but not our mental health and relationships?
Couples Counseling is available to all kinds of partners regardless of how long they have been together. Sometimes couples just want a few sessions to “check in” with a trained professional, while others have been in a strenuous relationship for months, maybe years, and need help getting back on track.
Depending on where you are in your relationship with your partner, will influence the process of your Couples Therapy experience. A great foundational technique that we use at Crossroads is called Prepare + Enrich. This is an in depth assessment that helps premarital and long term couples focus on relationship issues.
Crossroads therapists will meet you where you are in your relationship stage and help you navigate through your trials with the intent for you and you both to reach your relationship goals.
Premarital Counseling
Congratulations! You’ve made a commitment to one another and as you are busy preparing for your big day, it is important to invest in the health of your marriage by engaging Premarital Counseling.
Premarital counseling consists of 6 total sessions that help you address topics that may be difficult to navigate without having a professional therapist lead you through the process. As mentioned above under “Couples”, therapists will use tools from Prepare + Enrich and you will be given a workbook with different topics each week to discuss. The four main topics will include:
- Communication
- Finances
- Sex
- Parenting
By identifying where you and your fiancee stand on these topics, and engaging in safe and open discussions, together you will establish a strong foundation for your marriage.
As if that wasn’t enough, another perk is that you get a discount on your marriage license for participating in premarital counseling.